Protect your patients' charge card and debit card data. Perform PCI-DSS audits annually and vulnerability scans quarterly.
Healthcare data under attack As the healthcare industry continues to be an attractive target in cyberattacks, the latest data shows that cybercriminals are taking more patient health data than ever. When the number of breaches doesn’t materially change from year to year, it’s a natural assumption that the impact of those breaches is equally similar. According to new data in the 2019 Annual Breach Barometer Report from patient privacy monitoring vendor Protenus, the number of breaches rose from 477 breaches in 2017 to 503 in 2018, with the number of records nearly tripling year over year – from 5.6 million to a little under 15.1 million. With breached records costing healthcare organizations an average of $408, the massive jump in the number of total records breaches incurs a significant cost. Also according ... Read More
August 28, 2024Mark Anthony Germanos