Protect your patients' charge card and debit card data. Perform PCI-DSS audits annually and vulnerability scans quarterly.
COVID-19 private health information will no longer be private A recent update on both iPhones and Droid phones allows our phones to publish our COVID-19 private health information (PII). Some of us may not even know this is happening. Here’s how to find out if your phone is. On an iPhone, choose Settings > Privacy > Health and you get a screen with COVID-19 Exposure Logging near the top. COVID-19 Exposure Logging is currently off. “Why the worry Mark,” you may ask. The worry is because I did not intentionally add this functionality. It appeared one day. I do not have an app to transmit data yet. However, I am nervous that a future iOS update will include a surprise app that will transmit this information and worse, ... Read More
Protect your patients' charge card and debit card data. Perform PCI-DSS audits annually and vulnerability scans quarterly.
Coronavirus coverage increases ratings Coronavirus dominates our lives and our consciousness. So much so that we stop what we are doing to watch network news every day. It has returned to being a mandatory part of our lives. A local TV news station anchor began the broadcast with “And now the latest Coronavirus news.” It seems we cannot get enough news, even when the news is not really news anymore. It is just an update of what we already know. Higher ratings The news networks are benefiting from Coronavirus. They are enjoying increased viewership, which in turn produces higher ratings which in turn generates increased advertising revenue. I’m sure you get the picture. For the second quarter of 2020, all major news networks saw increased ratings. says ... Read More
Protect your patients' charge card and debit card data. Perform PCI-DSS audits annually and vulnerability scans quarterly.
Covid-19 coverage increases ratings Covid-19 dominates our lives and our consciousness. So much so that we stop what we are doing to watch network news every day. It has returned to being a mandatory part of our lives. A local TV news station anchor began the broadcast with “And now the latest Covid-19 news.” It seems we cannot get enough news, even when the news is not really news anymore. It is just an update of what we already know. Higher ratings The news networks are benefiting from Covid-19. They are enjoying increased viewership, which in turn produces higher ratings which in turn generates increased advertising revenue. I’m sure you get the picture. For the second quarter of 2020, all major news networks saw increased ratings. says ... Read More