Malwarebytes releases State of Malware report

Growth in attacks designed to obfuscate access and purpose should put organizations on alert as cybercriminals gain control over endpoints to do just about anything they want.

The most dangerous cyberattack is the one you don’t know about.

Malwarebytes can help protect you from this cyber criminal

That’s exactly what cybercriminals are focusing on, according to Malwarebytes’ 2019 State of Malware report. If an attack can either run completely in stealth, or simply hide their true intention, in many ways, they’ve already won.

According to the report, two very specific types of attacks are on the rise from 2017 to 2018:

  • Trojans saw a 132% increase
  • Backdoors saw a 173% increase

Trojans and backdoors

Malwarebytes defines each of these separately. Trojans are programs “that claim to perform one function but actually do another”, with Backdoors defined as “a type of trojan that allows a cyber criminal access to a system by bypassing its security” giving the cybercriminal access to systems completely undetected.

You should be concerned looking for ways to stop these types of attacks using a layered approach at the gateway, the endpoint, and the user. Email and web gateways look for malicious content, blocking it from ever reaching the user. Endpoint protection and AV are used to augment these efforts. And Security Awareness Training makes the user a part of your security strategy, educating them on cyberattack tactics, how to identify suspicious web and email content, and how to avoid becoming the victim.

One malicious email is too many

With such a massive effort being placed on malware designed to give cybercriminals to do just about anything they want, organizations can no longer afford to allow even one malicious email to get through and compromise the user, their endpoint, and – potentially – your organization.

Cyber Safety Net is a KnowBe4 partner. Reposted with permission from Cyber Safety Net – Keeping you safe online. See to train and strengthen your human firewall. See and to learn more.