Malvertising is the newest attack on your identity.

Yes, you read that right. Internet thieves have a new tool against unsuspecting victims: malvertising. Take the hostility of malware and the persuasiveness of advertising, put them together, and you get malvertising. Our friends at Respond Software created this short video for us:

Wikipedia reports this overview of malvertising.

Websites or web publishers unknowingly incorporate a corrupted or malicious advertisement into their page. Computers can become infected pre-click and post click. It is a misconception that infection only happens when visitors begin clicking on a malvertisement. “Examples of pre-click malware include being embedded in main scripts of the page or drive-by-downloads. Malware can also auto-run, as in the case of auto redirects, where the user is automatically taken to a different site, which could be malicious. Malware can also be found in the delivery of an ad – where a clean ad that has no malware pre or post click (in its build and design) can still be infected whilst being called.[8] Malicious code can hide undetected and the user has no idea what’s coming their way. A post-click malvertisement example: “the user clicks on the ad to visit the advertised site, and instead is directly infected or redirected to a malicious site. These sites trick users into copying viruses or spyware usually disguised as Flash files, which are very popular on the web.”[9] Redirection is often built into online advertising, and this spread of malware is often successful because users expect a redirection to happen when clicking on an advertisement. A redirection that is taking place only needs to be co-opted in order to infect a user’s computer.[1]

Malvertising often involves the exploitation of trustworthy companies. Those attempting to spread malware place “clean” advertisements on trustworthy sites first in order to gain a good reputation, then they later “insert a virus or spyware in the code behind the ad, and after a mass virus infection is produced, they remove the virus”, thus infecting all visitors of the site during that time period. The identities of those responsible are often hard to trace, making it hard to prevent the attacks or stop them altogether, because the “ad network infrastructure is very complex with many linked connections between ads and click-through destinations.”[9]

Some malvertisements can infect a vulnerable computer even if the user never clicks on the (normal-appearing) advertisement.[10] Verbiage from

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