AI Disclosure necessity

I added a global AI disclosure to my website. You should too. My disclosure is

Some content here is generated by AI. The views expressed are the author’s opinion and not legal advice. The author is not a lawyer. You are an adult and responsible for anything you do.

Why you should disclose AI usage too

As a content creator (we are all content creators, BTW), you might be wondering why you should include AI disclosure statements in anything you publish. Here are five reasons:

AI Disclosure is a practice you should embrace. Here's why...

AI Disclosure is a practice you should embrace. Here’s why…

  • Build Trust and Transparency. With an open AI disclosure, you build trust with your audience. When you inform them that some content comes from AI, you demonstrate transparency in your creative process, which strengthens your relationship with readers.
  • Embrace Ethical Responsibility. Open disclosure shows that you take responsibility for your work. Clarifying which parts of your content are created by AI and which are your own enhances your credibility and highlights your commitment to integrity.
  • Stay Ahead of Legal Trends. While AI disclosure may not be legally required yet, regulations are evolving. By including a disclosure now, you prepare yourself for future legal changes, helping you avoid potential complications down the road.
  • Protect Your Creative Rights. Remember that AI-generated content cannot be copyrighted. By clearly distinguishing between your own creations and AI-generated material, you protect your intellectual property and safeguard your creative rights.
  • Combat Misinformation. In an age where misinformation spreads rapidly, AI disclosure helps your audience identify what’s real and what’s not. Your commitment to accuracy resonates with readers and enhances their trust in your content.

Over disclosing is better than under disclosing

A realtor told me I am better off over disclosing than under disclosing. I was selling a home at the time, but I think the strategy still works here. Including open AI disclosure allows you to build trust, embrace ethics, stay compliant with regulations, protect your rights, and contribute to a more informed community. This simple practice can significantly impact how your audience perceives your work! For more AI wisdom, see The animated image came from AWS.

Before I forget…”Some content here is generated by AI. The views expressed are the author’s opinion and not legal advice. The author is not a lawyer. You are an adult and responsible for anything you do.”


AI ain’t so tough. See to help understand and use Artificial intelligence.
