Cyber Safety Net - keeping you safe online.
Free email services monetize your personal information. Use one of them and you are vulnerable. Free email and social media services are indexing and monetizing your mailbox data. They use that information for their gain, not yours. Gmail monetizes your personal informationFor example, says “When you upload, submit, store, send or receive content to or through our Services, you give Google (and those we work with) a worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works (such as those resulting from translations, adaptations or other changes we make so that your content works better with our Services), communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute such content. The rights you grant in this license are for the limited ... Read More
Protect your patients' charge card and debit card data. Perform PCI-DSS audits annually and vulnerability scans quarterly.
COVID-19 private health information will no longer be private A recent update on both iPhones and Droid phones allows our phones to publish our COVID-19 private health information (PII). Some of us may not even know this is happening. Here’s how to find out if your phone is. On an iPhone, choose Settings > Privacy > Health and you get a screen with COVID-19 Exposure Logging near the top. COVID-19 Exposure Logging is currently off. “Why the worry Mark,” you may ask. The worry is because I did not intentionally add this functionality. It appeared one day. I do not have an app to transmit data yet. However, I am nervous that a future iOS update will include a surprise app that will transmit this information and worse, ... Read More
Google tracks all you do, and has been, for a long time.
Google tracks you (but you can purge what they know) Two days ago, I wrote about how Google tracks you. Please see for a refresher. Go to the Google Dashboard at Let’s just download this data. Click the Download your data link, which takes you to Scroll through this list of services Google thinks you use. Google checks all by default. At the bottom, click the Next step button. I am choosing to export this data once, save the data as a .ZIP file and span my data across multiple .ZIP files when the files are larger than 2 GB. Click the Create export button. Google reports “This process can take a long time (possibly hours or days) to complete. You'll receive an email when your ... Read More
Google tracks all you do, and has been, for a long time.
Google tracks your activity They've been tracking you since you first created that free Drive, Gmail or YouTube account. You can review the data Google tracks and download it. Google also lets you delete some data. Google tracks via Gmail Take a deep breath and visit Login if prompted. Let’s start with the Gmail link. Google indexes Gmail contents and uses that to help determine which ads will be most interesting to us. Let’s see just how much data Google tracks. Click the Gmail button. Click GO TO GMAIL. Click All Mail (on the left). Peruse your entire mailbox. Google reports 4,789 messages in my Gmail account. Although Google reports 4,789 messages, I see only 224 messages in my Inbox, 10 in Trash and 487 in Sent. The rest ... Read More
Is your happy family sharing too much information online? Predators and thieves do research with information you share.
Predators and thieves see what you post online Sometimes people aren't as street smart as they choose to believe. They share personal information online and then act surprised when they become victims of a crime. I am changing my friends’ names here Ann took a picture of an envelope and posted it on Facebook. This envelope had her name, address, city, state and zip. She also told Facebook she was leaving town for 10 days to visit a friend in Hawaii. Two weeks later, she told Facebook her home was burglarized. I told her she presented valuable information online to a potential thief. "Ah yes, I think you're right, Mark," she replied. Jen posted her address and pictures of her home on Facebook. She also told Facebook she was ... Read More
I forgot about my TV station tour. Facebook did not forget.
Facebook acknowledges recording It is not a secret. We share more information at Facebook than at most other online services. Sometimes we forget how much we share and that what goes online never really leaves online. I asked Facebook to export my personal information back on December 28, 2019. Their report read like the most thorough diary every compiled. "Thanks Mark. I now see how they are collecting too much information about us. I am calling my Congressman. That Zuckerberg guy better fess up to what he is doing." I know you are thinking that. Read the Terms of Service Actually, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been called into the Principal's Office twice. He testified on April 10, 2018 and October 23, 2019. Congress asked if users could protect ... Read More